Good thinking is rethinking - why we do what we do

The construction industry is constantly evolving, which means it is a constant stream of challenges and opportunities. Success comes to companies that are agile and seize these opportunities. Sticking to old patterns is not an option. RETHINK strongly believes in partnering with manufacturers of construction materials to make a positive impact on the construction world and inspires them to take responsibility by thinking differently. We are committed to make a difference on the path to sustainable construction. We must do everything possible to ensure a planet-neutral construction sector worldwide, so the planet can continue to develop and thrive for generations to come.

Understanding the environmental impact of your building products can be both challenging and time-consuming. And time is something we never have enough of. We are eager to do our part to make clients aware of the challenges and opportunities to make the most effective input to a sustainable construction industry.

R<THINK provides the knowledge and insights that enabling clients of building products to minimize their environmental impact and make the most sustainable choices based on reliable, transparent and scientifically quantified information.

Mission and vision - Sustainability is core

R<THINK environmental software, complemented by our LCA expertise, enables clients within the construction industry to understand and minimize the environmental impact of their products and perform Life Cycle Assessments (LCAs) independently, to make the most effective constributions to their sustainability ambitions. 

And that’s where our experts - and you - come in. Meeting the needs of our clients requires  LCA experts provide timely, adequate, and outstanding support that meets client expectations and requirements.Through LCA expertise, as well as extensive knowledge of various construction solutions and profound understanding of our clients' processes. By teaching you how to use and manage R<THINK independently, you are able to measure your environmental impact yourself. Therefore, there is a mandatory onboarding program and ongoing service provided by our LCA experts. 

R<THINK environmental software, complemented by our LCA knowledge and training, creates insight into the environmental performance of building products to achieve your sustainability ambitions and cope with rapidly changing legislation and regulations. No single, lengthy, static LCA studies but a sustainable digital solution. We anchored our LCA knowledge in the R<THINK software enabling clients to stay in control and perform their own environmental calculations and adapt them when their circumstances change. And as befits a thought leader in the idustry, you can always count on our up-to-date market knowledge, training and support.

To support our mission, healthy working conditions - such as flexible working hours, hybrid working and sports activities - space and time for supervision and coaching and the freedom and responsibility to perform work autonomously are crucial for us.