Find out your environmental impact and take action.

R<THINK  LCA provides organizations with insights to identify efficiencies by reducing material & energy use, waste generation and emissions. By measuring environmental impacts generated at each stage of product producing, you can make informed decisions and achieve your sustainability goals.  
Our integrated R<THINK LCA approach reflects sustainability as a core aspect of our business practices. Our digitalization efforts have created a distinct advantage.

These companies started to THINK good about sustainable construction

Why thinking about an LCA?

A Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) provides businesses insights into a specific product's environmental impact identifies opportunities to answer the critical question how to reduce the environmental impact of that product? It will allow selecting the appropriate energy sources for production, materials, transportation methods and recycling or waste practices.  

An LCA assists in making strategic decisions, both in choosing between product alternatives, and in optimizing the environmental performance of business processes. A data-driven approach to identify operational efficiencies through reducing material use, energy use, waste generation and emissions, throughout the entire lifecyle of the product.  

Based on the physical flows of materials and energy associated with the product, an LCA evaluates a lot of different effects on the environment. These environmental effects are grouped in various so called impact categories.  

The best known and most important impact category is global warming potential or climate change.  

Global warming, the changes in surface air temperature, is caused by emission of greenhouse gases (GHG) into the atmosphere. GHG are produced by human activities such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (NOx). The different GHG emissions are measured in terms of carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e). 

An LCA is an effective way to  

  • prioritize and assess opportunities to create added value 

  • increase brand value (brand positioning) 

  • improve sustainable design decisions (life cycle impact) 

  • make better procurement decisions (raw materials as well as suppliers)  

  • achieve cost savings 

  • report to stakeholders about sustainability performance   

50,000+ Environmental product calculations


Environmental product calculations
2,500+ Verified EPDs


Verified EPDs
15+ Countries




Multiple reliable data sources

Based on years of experience, R<THINK offers an expanded selection of trusted environmental data in addition to Ecoinvent (Zurich, Switzerland).

  • EPDs for (all) raw materials used in the construction sector

  • Company-specific environmental profiles

  • Company-specific waste scenarios

  • Company-specific supplier EPDs

Multiple reliable data sources
Expert building blocks ensuring required quality

Ready-made, well-specified, proven descriptions ready for direct use in your reporting.

Performing an LCA and subsequently preparing an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) meeting all applicable requirements can be complex and demanding. The predefined expert building will save you lots of hassle, improve consistency and increase your productivity. Mandatory, additional descriptions that can be used and modified in your report. Plus, it is a great way to learn about these specific requirements.

Expert building blocks ensuring required quality
Data mapping improving efficiency

Unique pairing of client data with R<THINK database data allows for faster processing and helps avoiding mistakes.

This professional license feature provides an import function for clients raw materials and supplier data. It compares the unique identifier codes from the client's system and links them to the raw material unique identifier codes within the R

Data mapping improving efficiency
A clear report for each stakeholder

R<THINK LCA automatically generates reports in various formats for different stakeholders

  • a background report in accordance EN 15804

  • supporting (raw) material files that meet verification requirements

  • an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) format for selfdeclaration following the ISO 14025 standards and in accordance with EN15804+A2, ideally suited as a means of communication for stakeholders

  • Kiwa Ecobility Expert EPD format - in accordance with ISO 14025 standards and EN15804 - for publication on EPD platforms (i.e. ECO Platform)

A clear report for each stakeholder
Open access, flexible and future proof

The R<THINK LCA environmental software is open ended, the calculation core is verified.

Open access enables clients to change all inputs, create sections from the general database and scenarios from EU programs (if available). The R<THINK  LCA calculation core is verified. By closing the open access, R<THINK  LCA can be pre-verified. However, this significantly limits flexibility considerably. We are not convinced this is the right approach.

Open access, flexible and future proof
Empower clients to fully control their environmental impact

We believe sharing our LCA knowledge is the only way forward.

With our mandatory R<THINK  LCA onboarding program, you will acquire the knowledge and skills to perform your own company-specific LCAs/EPDs for various Program Operators. This way you gain insight, maintain control and ensure valuable knowledge and expertise is embedded in your company. 

Empower clients to fully control their environmental impact

Over 500 customers have guided us to create an intuitive platform

To have a better understanding and improve the environmental impacts or carbon footprints (i.e. for low-carbon-products) of CRH products and solutions in the Netherlands, R<THINK is helpfull. This supports CRH and their customers, to reinvent the world is built.

Tino Villano

Senior manager Mineralization & CCUS Policy, CRH

R<THINK is a valuable partner with highly knowledgeable and reliable consultants who are always there for us. We have been working together successfully for many years now.

Sjoerd Keetels

Consultant sustainability MKI/LCA, Heijmans

With our innovative entrepreneurship and creativity, and the R<THINK knowledge and expert environmental software, we have the right combination to further improve our carbon footprint.

Ellen de Bonte

Management, De Bonte Group

R<THINK provides insight, offers transparency and allows you to stay in control of the environmental performance of your products. R<THINK is essential for R&D activities.

Peter Harpe

Product technologist, VBI

Proactively sharing R<THINK's knowledge and expertise ensures that we further develop and broaden our skills, knowledge and expertise in the field of LCAs. An extremely pleasant and constructive cooperation.

Peter Koelewijn

Productmanager, Brouwer Prefab

Two clear licensing options. Good thinking.

Business License


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Most popular

Professional License


Contact sales

Compare plans

  • Verification
    • 3rd party verification option (fees not included)

    • 3rd party verification Kiwa Ecobility Experts (integrated feature)

  • Modeling features
    • Biogenic Carbon Balance for correct results

    • Biogenic Carbon Content in accordance with EN 16449

    • End-of-Life impacts and Module D - auto calculated

    • Mass Balance for correct results

    • Movements by suppliers, locations and transports at centralized place, for reuse in LCA calculations

    • Transport values to construction site - auto calculated

    • Use stage cycles (number of) - auto calculated

    • Waste scenarios NL-NMD, B-EPD, etc. - premodeled

  • Graphics
    • Compose semi finished products (recipes, components, etc.) for reuse in final products Impact analysis chart (realtime results)

    • Detailed impact overview per input per module

    • Sidebar results for direct feedback on impact and weight

  • Inputs
    • Compose semi finished products (recipes, components, etc.) for reuse in final products

  • Environmental profile databases
    • Ecoinvent

    • EPDs raw materials construction sector

    • Supplementary environmental profile substantiations, obligatory for reporting

    • Ecoinvent profiles enriched with additional parameters to automatically fill Module D

    • Company private library for environmental profiles and fully modelled Dutch waste scenarios (Belgium and France will soon follow)

    • Company private import for LCA data and waste scenarios

  • R<THINK calculation core
    • EN 15804+A2

    • ECO Platform LCA tool verification

    • Environmental impact indicators in accordance with

      EN 15804+A1 EN 15804+A2 NMD (set 1+2) INIES (CN 15804+A1)

      EN 15804+A1 EN 15804+A2 NMD (set 1+2) INIES (CN 15804+A1)

  • Miscellaneous
    • Folders for project grouping

  • Integration and automation
    • Import function suppliers, locations and transport movements (Excel)

    • Import function product composition, recipes and descriptions (Excel) to include in LCA background report and EPD

    • Import function and modeling of calculation inputs (e.g. raw materials, energy use) including substantiations - linked to LCA calculations

    • Reporting templates - linked to LCA calculations

    • Automatic mapping of imported data to R<THiNK databases

  • Training and support
    • R<THiNK demo/training account

    • LCA Onboarding & training (fees not included)

    • Professional Helpdesk (fees not included)

  • Reporting
    • Report template in accordance with EN15804+A2

    • LCA background report (pdf) in accordance with EN 15804+A2

    • EPD for self declaration (pdf) in accordance with EN 15804+A2

    • EPD for Kiwa Ecobility Experts in accordance with EN 15804+A2 (integrated feature)

    • Reports are automatically adapted to the selected LCA method and modules

Any questions on LCA?

  • Who is ecoinvent?

    Ecoinvent (Zurich, Switzerland) is widely considered the largest, most consistent, and most transparent database in the market. It contains over 20,000 unique datasets, covering a wide array of products, services, and processes, originating from different sources, including companies, industrial associations and research institutes.  

  • What is an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD)?

    An EPD is an easy-to-read, short version of the LCA report which transparently communicates the environmental performance or impact of any product or material over its lifetime. 

  • What is an EPD Program Operator?

    An EPD Program Operator is responsible for verifying the EPD and managing the platform on which it is published.  

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Good THINKing!