Made in Belgium | Pushing concrete further

We know that the production of the infrastructure being built has a significant significant ecological impact. It is therefore important to shift the emphasis within De Bonte to innovative products with which we want to make a difference. Governments are gradually realizing that they can make the economy more sustainable with their tenders. The Netherlands, which includes the total environmental costs in every contract, is much further ahead in this regard. This resulted in the development of a new revolutionary type of concrete in which cement and water are replaced by sulfur as a binding agent. That turned us from a traditional concrete producer into an innovator.

Using R<THINK environmental software to create our own LCAs and gain real time insight into the environmental impact of various development choices and raw material selections is essential for us. R<THINK is a powerful tool to be in control and make conscious choices that create a significant and positive change for our organization and the world around us.
With our innovative entrepreneurship and creativity, and the R<THINK knowledge and expert environmental software, we have the right combination to further improve our carbon footprint.

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R<THINK, efficient and user friendly
In addition to the production of construction site housing, Brouwer focuses with Brouwer Prefab on the production of a unique proprietary praefabricated interior wall system for serial housing construction.
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